Back by Popular Demand, Open Training Week Returns April 1-7 

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (Feb. 12, 2019) — United Soccer Coaches is excited to once again host Open Training Week from April 1-7 in cities across the country. Men’s and women’s teams at the college and professional levels will welcome local soccer coaches in their communities to attend a training session with the goal of uniting coaches around the love of the game

The nationwide initiative provides an opportunity for coaches from all levels and backgrounds to experience new environments, observe high-level training sessions, share ideas and learn from one another.

Are you a United Soccer Coaches member? Consider hosting an open training session with your program at your facility. It’s free and easy to get registered and a great way to promote your program and stay plugged in to your local coaching community. Online registration is now open for hosts. A set time, date and location for the Open Training will be required for registration, along with a point of contact for planning purposes.

After registering, United Soccer Coaches will provide hosts with a toolkit which includes tips for promoting your open training as well as tips for hosting a successful session.

Not a United Soccer Coaches member? Register to attend one of the free sessions and get a free six-month introductory membership. See firsthand the benefits that come with a United Soccer Coaches membership. Attendee registration will open on Monday, March 11.

A popular event in only its third year, Open Training Week embodies the association’s core values of advocacy, education and service and ties in with the Commitment to Culture initiative, specifically the cornerstone of We Are Family Strong. During this year’s Open Training Week take the time to connect with and appreciate the coaching community in your area.

Have questions about United Soccer Coaches Open Training Week? Please email