College Coaches
Welcome to the United Soccer Coaches College Coaches page. The association offers many ways for coaches to build their programs and give their players the best experience possible through college-specific education, individual and team recognition, and more.
College Services membership includes a standard individual membership for the head coach and Assistant Coaches Memberships at a discounted rate.
Need help? Please contact Membership Services at membership@unitedsoccercoaches.org
Sports Information Directors: If you are a SID that needs to be added to our email distribution list for awards and rankings releases, please mail us at membership@unitedsoccercoaches.org

Registration for College Services will open soon! Becoming a College Services Member makes your program eligible for:
- National and Regional Rankings
- United Soccer Coaches Awards
- So Much More!
Need to pay by check?

Your College Services membership allows your institution to participate in our awards and rankings programs and includes a variety of benefits.
Click here to see all benefits
In addition to eligibility for awards and rankings programs, College Services membership includes an individual membership for the head coach. Additional memberships can be added for assistant coaches at a discounted rate.

We’re highlighting the amazing work of college coaches in their communities by telling their unique stories. Do you have a story or person you think should be featured? Contact us at media@unitedsoccercoaches.org

United Soccer Coaches administers an extensive award and recognition program designed to recognize excellence in soccer, academics, and service to the game. Coaches and players are recognized across both genders and all divisions.
Learn more about our Awards program
In order to be eligible for certain Awards and Rankings, your institution must be enrolled in College Services.
Questions on your enrollment? Please email Membership@UnitedSoccerCoaches.org.

Don’t miss special offers from partners such as Duktig Brand, Veo, Building Champions Global, and Soccer.com.
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