College Services Benefits

College Services

Your College Services membership allows your institution to participate in our awards and rankings programs and includes a variety of benefits.

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College Membership

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Division Price Additional Coaching Staff * 
NCAA Division I $495 $200
NCAA Division II and III $395 $200
NAIA and NCCAA $230 $200
Two-year College $230 $200

* Additional Coaching Staff up to 4 coaches can be added to a College Services Registration for an additional $200. 

  • One individual membership for the head coach of each registered program
  • Discounted individual memberships when combined with College Services registration
  • National Player of the Week programs for all levels
  • United Soccer Coaches national and regional rankings program
  • United Soccer Coaches awards program
  • Divisional listservs to facilitate communication within the coaching community
  • Two full-time College Programs employees and national office staff support for college soccer
  • Communication with coaches and student-athletes through newsletters, emails and surveys
  • Liaison with affiliated groups (NCAA, NAIA, NCCAA, NJCAA, NISOA, US Soccer, MLS, NWSL)
  • Online College Soccer Almanac

Awards through College Services include:

  • All-Region Awards
  • All-America Awards
  • Scholar All-Region Awards
  • Scholar All-America Awards
  • Team Academic Award
  • Team Ethics & Sportsmanship Awards


United Soccer Coaches College Rankings are an indicator of the week-to-week status of qualified programs. National and regional rankings are posted each week throughout the season for NCAA, NAIA, NCCAA, and Junior College men and women.


The College Soccer Almanac is published annually by United Soccer Coaches as a benefit to College Services members. Information in the almanac includes Intercollegiate Coaching Records, a list of All-Time United Soccer Coaches, formerly NSCAA, All-Americas and Scholar All-Americas and a current list colleges sponsoring men’s and women’s soccer by division.