The Faith-Based Advocacy Group distributed its spring newsletter to let group members know what has been going on, helpful tips, how to get in touch, and how to get involved with the group.
See the letter below from group chair Mike Lynch. To read the full update click here.
Message from the Chair
As our nation and our healthcare professionals work together to laser focus our abilities and resources so do we as soccer coaches. For many, especially for y’all, it has also been our faith, family and local communities inspiring the hope and courage to get thru to the other side, not only safe but sound, too. Negativity and fear can easily creep into our mindset if we allow it, but we have chosen to live and love differently keeping our eyes forward, gravitating toward what’s possible and asking what else can we do to help those in need. Our players and our communities need us to continue to lead by example caring, trusting and committing for each other. Keep your faith strong. Keep your families close. Serve your community the best way you can.
Crisis demands rapid response, but it also often presents opportunities for greater reflection. Our newsletter intention this month is to provide support during these COVID-19 times but also provide and/or raise awareness of professional development opportunities that these types of crises often make available, including Thursday, May 7 at 8pm for “Taking Change By the Hand” zoom presentation by Chad Busick of AST Mental Training.” This is one you won’t want to miss to help ourselves and our teams thrive as best we can during COVID-19.
As always, please pass along this newsletter to your fellow coaches that may not yet be on our faith-based coaches member distribution list. In addition, please let us know what we can do more, better or differently to serve YOU, our fellow Faith-Based Coaches, “Guided by our personal faith and committed to both the point and purpose of sport, we serve others to become the best version of themselves leading to extraordinary results and joy!”
If you and/or your loved ones are on the front lines, know your fellow Faith-Based Coaches (and our grateful country) are praying for your safety. Everyone have a faith-filled, hopeful time forward!
Mike Lynch
Faith-Based Coaches Chair