The Latino Coaches Advocacy Group distributes a monthly newsletter to keep its members up to date on news, deadlines and other association happenings. The newsletter also serves to let members know what the group is working on, highlighting group members and information on how you can get involved. Below is a letter from group chair Julio Serrano. To read the full newsletter, click here.

Letter from the Chair

Fellow Coaches,

I want to take a moment to reflect on these past few months as we can finally see a bit of light. I personally have battled these past few months with this new reality. No longer are the days filled with training session planning, communications with State DOC’s, weekend trips to games. Instead it is filled with how are we going to pay rent, put food on the table, be a teacher to the kids, all the while maintaining and stabilizing the family in this new normal. We have all felt helpless, distracted, and maybe even directionless during these wayward times. Many of you have and are still living in this reality and I just wanted to take this moment and let you know you are not alone. What I have found is that through all of this there is a network of friends, family, and fellow coaches who instead of just succumbing to these circumstances have been open to sharing, collaborating, and connecting on levels I have never seen before. I am grateful for the support our coaching community has shown and I am excited for this process to be expanded upon and enriched as we get to work with all parts of our community. We are all in this together as a footballing community.

am even more excited by the collective action that has transpired from all members of the Latino Advocacy group. As you will see in this newsletter we are getting all the gears moving and have been putting next steps in place to lay a foundation for more action, more participation, more conversations, and more opportunities for our community.

One last note, as we gear back up into various phases of return to play I urge everyone to make sure there are clear lines of communication between the players, the families, the teams, the club, the city and county officials. If there was ever a time to over communicate now is that time. We need to keep the safety and the health of our players, coaches, and families at the forefront of our decisions as we move forward.


Latino Advocacy Chair
Julio C Serrano

Latino Advocacy Vice Chair
Jacob Morrison