Do Something For Yourself This Summer
by Tobey Cook
Strongsville High School (OH)
Boys HS Advocacy Member
Well summer is upon us and we all have plans to spend it in a myriad number of ways. For some it will be with family, others may be working on some professional development and others will be getting ready for soccer camps, coaching travel or premier teams, getting your teams ready for the fall and countless other ways of spending the summer months. So what can you do for yourself this summer that will help in rejuvenating and recharging the old battery.
I say take some time to smell the roses. For those of us in public education it’s a bit easier to find those days and hours to sit back and relax. While I’ve spent many of my summer months working on additional teaching licensure or renewal of US Soccer licenses I have always made the time to take a week or two to travel with and visit family. I’ve had some great vacations that are too numerous to speak of.
One thing I’ve always tried to do is mix up what I do in the summer. While I’ve always enjoyed a Chateaugay Lake vacation with my parents and family we’ve taken some pretty unique trips. I don’t plan to bore you with all of them but suffice to say we’ve had the chance to really explore the US, Canada and Europe. Try not to live a “groundhog’s day” life. Mix it up. You’ll be better for it!
Spend some time with those you enjoy spending time with. Not just your family but favorite childhood friends, college buddies, and those new colleagues in your profession who you like to socialize with. We are all heavily influenced by those around us so spend time with those who bring the best out in you.
There’s nothing like sitting by a quiet lake, taking a hike in the mountains or enjoying a day at the beach. Nature can be one of the most refreshing elements of doing something to recalibrate your inner self. Get in touch with who you are by taking that bike ride or good long walk in the park to revitalize yourself.
In our profession it can be hard to do something for yourself since we tend to do things for others. Coaching is very much about giving of us to the players and their families. Don’t forget to do something for you this summer. It will pay significant dividends in the long run.