There shall be Standing Committees of the Board of Directors as described below. The Board of Directors may delegate such authority to a Standing Committee as it deems appropriate and is not prohibited by applicable law. Each Standing Committee shall have a Charter as approved by the Board of Directors.
Awards Committee
There shall be an Awards Committee responsible for selecting recipients for all awards created by the Association other than awards that are specifically set forth as the responsibility of a separate committee. The committee shall establish policies and procedures pertaining to all awards subject to the approval of the Board of Directors. The professional staff shall keep data files on all nominees and maintain a cumulative record of all award recipients. The President or his/her designee shall serve as a member of the Awards Committee, and the Chief Executive Officer or his/her designee shall serve as a liaison to the Awards Committee.
John Mayer, Chair
Steve Veal, Awards Manager – Staff Liaison
Ethics Committee
There shall be an Ethics Committee responsible for ensuring ethical conduct and practices within United Soccer Coaches, including the promotion of ethical practices and behavior among coaches and players at all levels of competition. The committee shall establish a Code of Ethics (Addendum B of these Bylaws) for coaches. The Ethics Committee may make recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding violations of the Code of Ethics and recommendations for any punitive or corrective actions in connection therewith. The President or his/her designee shall serve as a member of the Ethics Committee, and the Chief Executive Officer or his/her designee shall serve as a liaison to the Ethics Committee.
Dr. Bill Steffen, Chair
Finance and Audit Committee
There shall be a Finance and Audit Committee that shall support all fiscal matters of the Association under the fiduciary responsibilities of the Board of Directors including financial policies and procedures and review of the annual budget and audit. The President or his/her designee shall serve as a member of the Finance and Audit Committee, and the Chief Executive Officer or his/her designee shall serve as a liaison to the Finance and Audit Committee.
Greg Hubbard, Treasurer
Beth Sullivan, CFO – Staff Liaison
Foundation Committee
There shall be a Foundation Committee that shall support the mission of the Association and provide resources to support coaches and organizations to improve soccer at all levels. The President or his/her designee shall serve as a member of the Foundation Committee, and the Chief Executive Officer or his/her designee shall serve as a liaison to the Foundation Committee.
Jeff Vennell, Chair
Kevin Denson, Vice Chair
Sarah Kluba, Interim Development Officer – Staff Liaison
Nomination and Elections Committee
There shall be a Nominations and Elections Committee whose responsibilities include encouraging and identifying candidates to run for Secretary of the Board of Directors; recruiting and recommending potential candidates for At-Large Director positions; establishing, implementing and enforcing campaign guidelines; selecting and reviewing the performance of the Association’s third-party digital elections vendor; ensuring distribution to the Members all notices and ballots required in connection with all elections and encouraging diversity in the Association’s leadership. The President or his/her designee shall serve as a member of the Nominations and Elections Committee, and the Chief Executive Officer or his/her designee shall serve as a liaison to the Nominations and Elections Committee.
Rusty Oglesby, Chair
Geoff VanDeusen, CEO – Staff Liaison