About United Soccer Coaches
About United Soccer Coaches
Founded in 1941 and based in Kansas City, Mo., United Soccer Coaches has grown into the world’s largest soccer coaches’ organization that serves members at every level of the game.
United Soccer Coaches works every day to inspire coaches and ignite their passion for the game so they pass it on to players and others in the soccer community.
Our Mission
“The mission of United Soccer Coaches is to provide programs and services that enhance, contribute to, and advocate for the development and recognition of soccer coaches, players, and the game we love.”
Our Vision
“United Soccer Coaches is the trusted and unifying voice, advocate, and partner for the development of coaches at all levels of the game.“
Our Core Values
- Deliver value to each member that exceeds their expectations;
- Uphold a sense of family and acknowledge past contributions;
- Maintain the highest standards of ethical conduct and sportsmanship;
- Fiscal responsibility;
- Meet the needs of a diverse membership;
- Serve the greater good of the game; and
- Manage the Association through teamwork and open, honest communications.
Diversity Statement
United Soccer Coaches acknowledges the acute need to remove barriers to recruiting, retaining, and advancing talented members from historically underrepresented populations. To that end, we are committed to fostering diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility, and belonging (DEIAB) by offering a welcoming and supportive environment for all members. We strive for an environment that respects differences in culture, age, gender, race, ethnicity, physical ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic status, religious beliefs, and political affiliation.
United Soccer Coaches will embrace DEIAB in all its forms and recognize that it enriches the membership experience, improves the practice of coaching, expands learning opportunities, and enhances professional growth in the coaching community. We are committed to attracting and developing people of diverse backgrounds to participate in and lead our organization including but not limited to advocacy work, awards, educational opportunities, development of our services, and outreach programs. Embracing DEIAB requires a coaching curriculum and learning experiences that provide exposure to and include diverse cultures, human characteristics, and ways of thinking. Our organization will create a climate that stimulates innovation and values contributions from those unlike ourselves – and encourages the advancement and success of all members.
United Soccer Coaches will advocate for all members, welcome participation, and remain mindful of DEIAB during the formulation of policy. Through reflection and active improvement, we aim to be the home for all coaches.
United Soccer Coaches prides itself on providing coaches at all levels an appareled nationwide program of clinics, course and other educational opportunities.
United Soccer Coaches provides many ways for members to interact with each other. One way popular way is through the annual United Soccer Coaches Convention.
United Soccer Coaches members belong to a community of coaches who can make a lasting impact personally and professionally.