About Rankings
The United Soccer Coaches College Rankings are an indicator of week-to-week status of qualified programs and in no way should be used as a guide or indicator of eligibility for championship selection.
To be eligible for consideration in United Soccer Coaches College Rankings, a school must be a member of the association’s College Services program.
Associations and Divisions eligible for College Rankings are:
- NCAA Division I Men and Women
- NCAA Division II Men and Women
- NCAA Division III Men and Women
- NAIA Men and Women
- NCCAA Division I and II Men and Women
- Junior College Division I, Division II and III Men and Women
The association separates the country into regions based on the regions set forth by the NCAA or other governing bodies. These regions may consist of one state or several states (or, in the case of NCAA Division I Men and Women, more than one conference). The Regional Chair relies on coaches in his or her region to report scores to them. The Chair also can refer to the College Soccer Scoreboard for the latest results from top schools in his or her region. The Regional Chairs then utilize those results as a tool to assist in compiling a regional top 10 listing. Only coaches vote on the poll, both regionally and nationally.
The intent of the intercollegiate rankings program, as outlined by the United Soccer Coaches Awards Committee and supported by its Board of Directors, is:
a. to stimulate greater interest in men’s and women’s intercollegiate soccer on a regional and national level, and, b. to recognize schools with outstanding soccer programs.
The association recognizes that the national rankings at all levels are the best attempt to balance and compare the relative strengths and weaknesses of intercollegiate soccer programs throughout the country. The United Soccer Coaches rankings are an indicator of the week-to-week status of qualified programs and in no way should be used as a guide or indicator of eligibility for championship status. View the United Soccer Coaches College Rankings General Procedures.
The United Soccer Coaches provides both National and Regional High School Rankings for boys and girls in the Fall, Winter and Spring seasons.
If you are a current coach of a boys’ or girls’ high school team and can provide accurate information on the strength of teams in your area, region or state, please send an e-mail to Awards@UnitedSoccerCoaches.org.
In order to ensure that your message is passed on to the correct regional representative, you must specify whether you are referring to a boys’ or girls’ team, and include the city and state in which the school is located. You may also use the address to nominate teams for inclusion in the rankings. Please be specific when supplying information. The more information you provide, the better the committee will be able to evaluate your team.