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Performance Analysis

“Just wanted to follow up and say how much I enjoyed the course, in particular, your engagement and techniques and how you interacted with everyone. Leading a lot of coaches on virtual calls, you’ve given me a few extra tools to use which is great!”

Richard Scott, Level 1 Candidate

“I have been focusing on game analysis for the past year by reading books and papers and attending talks, and can’t say home much I needed these two courses-thank you so very much for planning and running these courses. They fill a big gap in coaching and PA curriculum. I look forward to taking level 2 soon.

Amin Hassanzadeh, Level 2 Candidate

Dive into performance analysis with our

Level 1 and 2 Special Topics Diplomas

United Soccer Coaches’ is offering Level 1 and Level 2 courses dedicated specifically to the area of Performance Analysis, available exclusively online. Coaches who have been actively working in the game and have a specific interest in performance analysis should consider taking Performance Analysis Level 1. Candidates who have successfully completed the Level 1 course are eligible to take the Level 2 course.

Special Topics Diploma: Performance Analysis Level 1

This course will be the first of its kind, in any sport, in the US and is aimed at those coaches who have a particular interest in video & data analysis and who are looking to enhance their skill set and overall understanding of this growing area of the game. Successful candidates will achieve Level-1 accreditation as an applied Performance Analyst from The International Society of Performance Analysis of Sport (ISPAS).

Course Aims:
Upon completion of this special Performance Analysis course, the candidate will be better equipped to:

  • Carry out in-depth video and data analysis based on:
    • match analysis
    • opposition analysis
    • individual player analysis
    • tactical analysis
    • player-driven analysis
    • coaching behavior analysis
  • Use and manage all aspects of video, computer, and cloud technologies associated with in-depth analysis provision.
  • Structure and manage team, unit, and individual player feedback sessions.
  • Develop and manage the coaching team-analyst relationship in order to maximize the impact of the video and data analysis being carried out.
  • Deal with all other factors impacting the analysis within the player development and match analysis environments.

Course Duration:
This is an online course that is held over three continuous days for 2.5 hours per day. Full attendance at all sessions is required to successfully complete the course.

Course Outcomes:
Assessment – There is no formal assessment.

ISPAS Level-1 Accreditation As An Applied Performance Analyst:
The International Society for Performance Analysis of Sport (ISPAS) is a global body that organizes and manages the accreditation and registration of Performance Analysts in sport. It also gathers and disseminates information, knowledge and materials on performance analysis and provides a forum for the exchange of ideas. It aims to bridge the gap between researchers and practitioners and provides advice and counsel for organizations in relation to all aspects relating to the analysis.

To achieve ISPAS Level-1 accreditation course candidates are expected to attain 100% attendance during the course hours and complete all analysis tasks to a satisfactory level, within the specified deadlines.

Special Topics Diploma: Performance Analysis Level 2

The aim of the Level 2 Performance Analysis Diploma is to apply many of the concepts covered in the Level-1 course. It will be based around a live (simulated live) game from the Florida Cup.  Coaches will work in small groups and undertake a detailed analysis of key aspects of individual & team performance.

Course Aims:

Content will include, but not be limited to:

  • Preparation for Analysis Tasks
  • Live Game Analysis
  • Half-Time: Analysis Feedback
  • Post-Match Analysis (Video & Data Analysis)
  • Analysis Report Generation
  • Feedback Session (Video Feedback & Data Analysis)
  • Sharing. Discussion. Insights.
  • Process Review

Course Duration:
This is an online course that is held over three continuous days for 2.5 hours per day. Full attendance at all sessions is required to successfully complete the course.

Course Outcomes:
United Soccer Coaches Level-2 Performance Analysis Diploma

Potential for ISPAS Level-2 Accreditation as an Applied Performance Analyst – if coaches can show a minimum of 12-months experience of working in the area of Performance Analysis within the applied setting.