Faith-Based Coaches Community
About the Community
The Faith-Based Coaches Community is open to all association members of any faith who coach at all levels of the game. The purpose of the community is to provide a space where coaches from any faith tradition can exchange ideas about how their faith informs their coaching and their soccer program.
After our commitments to our faith and families…
…our focus is helping our players and fellow coaches become the best version of themselves. Everything we do tracks back to serving these commitments. Our goals are bold and intentional:
- growth in one’s personal faith
- grow membership through awareness of our faith-based community
- increase diversity within the group, including current underrepresented faith traditions such as Muslim, Jewish, etc
- work to reclaim the point and purpose of sports which is to compete and grow character
Get Involved
We welcome coaches of ALL faith traditions to join us! If already a member, please pass the word.

Shaun Smithson
Faith-Based Coaches Community Chair

© United Soccer Coaches