Sexual Violence: The Facts
“Sexual Violence: The Facts” Online Diploma
United Soccer Coaches has partnered with the Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual Assault (MOCSA) in developing this new online course to educate coaches on how they can prevent and respond to sexual abuse and assault. Through this course, coaches can learn how to notice signs of sexual abuse, learn how to interrupt situations that cross boundaries, and practice strategies for supporting people that have experienced sexual abuse and assault. The course also shares information about how and when to make reports regarding situations that involve child sexual abuse. After the e-learning module, please refer to the “Coaches Toolkit” for examples of prevention strategies and resource information.
United Soccer Coaches and MOCSA partnered together to develop new educational resources and training programs on the issues of sexual abuse and assault for soccer coaches nationwide. The partnership is a direct result of a grant awarded to MOCSA by RALIANCE, a collaborative initiative to end sexual violence in one generation, made possible through a commitment from the National Football League (NFL).
Course participants will:
- Learn and understand the proper definitions of sexual violence
- Understand the steps to report abuse or sexual conduct
- Receive resources to increase awareness
- Receive a United Soccer Coaches Diploma awarded upon completion
30 W. Pershing Rd., Suite 203
Kansas City, MO 64108-2463