High School All-America
All-America and All-Region awards are presented bi-annually to both male and female players of coaches who are members of United Soccer Coaches. All players receiving All-America status have the opportunity to be recognized at the annual United Soccer Coaches Convention each January.
To be eligible for recognition, players must first be selected by their respective state through a recognized coaches’ selection program. Each state is awarded a specific number of allocations on the All-America and All-Region teams based on the number of high school coaches that are current United Soccer Coaches members. The number of All-State players recognized by each individual state will be agreed upon mutually by the State Chair and the National Chair.
Coaches of players for All-Region and/or All-America recognition will receive an access code from their respective regional chair that must be entered before access to the online nomination form is enabled.
The selection of players for All-State teams are administered by each state according to the policies and procedures of the respective state organizations. United Soccer Coaches makes branded All-State certificates available on request to each state for distribution to its All-State players regardless of membership.
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Questions? Contact John Mayer at jmayer@unitedsoccercoaches.org